7 Tips & Tricks to Help You Get The Job You Love
How’s the job search going? Do you have the skills but you’re not getting the attention you’re seeking? Maybe it’s your resume, your very first impression. If you’re looking to pursue any career changes or just pick up another gig updating your resume is a necessary evil. Although there’s something special about reflecting on the experience points you’ve earned, it can be difficult and rather time-consuming to get it just right. Whether you’re new to the job force, or you’re a vet, it’s time to update your resume, so let’s explore some tips & tricks!
Create Different Resumes for Different Jobs
With respect to some important nuances between the types of jobs you apply for, you may need to have a variety of resumes ready to go when submitting. In the same way, if you have skills that apply to different industries it may be useful to exhibit those skills differently in different types so that they make the most sense. Here are some types to consider:
- Chronological: Listing your work history in order, starting with your most current position and ending with the earliest. Employers tend to prefer this for a clear overview.
- Functional: Skills and Experience focused not so much surrounding your work history. Here employment is secondary to the abilities you have to offer. This resume is effective if you have lapses in employment. Life happens, and gaps could occur for any number of reasons such as family, illness, or even layoffs.
- Combination: Provide a chronological listing of your work experience and highlight your skills. Choose this for a flexible platform to list your workplace assets and show what kind of employee you are.
- Targeted: Customized and specific to the position you desire. Your work history, skills, education, interests, etc. are all reflections of the job requirements.
Easy to Read
Whether this is a one-pager or an expansive few pages examining your expertise, it must be easy to read or you’re more often than not going to end up in the ignore pile. Make sure the document works well for both a quick scan and flows smoothly if you really sit down and read everything thoroughly.
Update Often
It’s more than just updating the year on the file name, Be sure to update your proficiency level, make sure you take credit for the great work you’re doing throughout the year. Did you pick up another skill that may not be fixed to the job function of the career you’re pursuing, don’t doubt yourself, you never know how useful being well-rounded is until you’re asked to utilize those skills.
Show Off Your Personality
Give them something to smile about between checking the pre-requisites. Of course, you’re more than your degree, and the skills you’ll need to get the work done. How you fit into the organization’s culture, is just as important. Make sure you stand out, off the page, as a whole person not just a person who checks all the boxes. Chances are someone checks those same boxes too and what was the deciding factor was their personality. Just don’t go overboard!
Reflect the Job Description
Make sure that you demonstrate you’re the right fit for this position by reflecting the skills, values, and attitude expressed in the posting. This is also the time to make sure you make mention those required skills clearly so that anyone skimming your resume can go ahead and check that box before someone takes a closer look for a less practical context.
Graphic Design
This isn’t just for people with Graphic Design backgrounds. It could be a nice touch for you and helping your potential employer to get to know you better, at the very least you’ll stand out since your resume commands attention by including different colors, your imagery, and since it’s a deviation from the norm, you might be able to place more personal touches, strategically fitting more personality in there.
Peer Review
Ask your friends, family or even professors to take a look and give their honest opinion. Constructive criticism is how we grow and if we don’t ask for other’s opinions we may never know why we’re struggling to get out of a job search rut. Take or leave those notes, but be cognizant that a hiring manager may have the same issues. We want to remove as much doubt from the potential of your employment opportunity.